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Food and meditation

I love cooking. For myself and the people I hold dear. I don't follow recipes but rather follow my own intuition, rhythm and flow, as I fancy doing with most things in life. The best results always come from when following the heart, one's own creative path and feeling.


Since many years back, I enjoy doing most of my cooking on weekends, preferably on Sundays and for the week to come. For me, Sunday food prep is a meditative thing. Filled with flow and something that boosts my creativity in my writing. Because when engaging in the simple and sometimes repetitive tasks of cooking –which never gets dull– big batches of Swedish meatballs, keto-licious carb sources and creamy, whipped and heart-healthy, homemade mayonnaise sans sugar, a de-cluttering of the mind occurs and ignites the spark of writing flow galore. It never ceases to amaze me how brilliant the brain is. Stuck on something, or in need of a break? Just get up and do something completely different, and the words and solutions will come to you.

Instead of plastic keeping, I carry my supplement doses in remade matchstick boxes, with a feminine touch.

I love that meditation is so accessible in various forms. A long brisk nature walk, a breathwork session, lifting heavy things, breathing and moving through the asanas of yoga, or simply cooking, washing and cleaning... As long as you do something that involves with motion of some kind, your ancestral brain will reward you.

So when I'm cooking, I'm also writing. It's a never ending thing for me. Flow. In the back of my head, I'm always creating. While moving around in the kitchen, listening to my playlists or podcasts and favourite interviewees, I'm also finding my words, philosophical ponderings and ideas flowing like a gorgeous waterfall in the country side in Scotland.

Apart from the creativity-boost, food prep in casa KETO-licious is also an act of love and nourishment. And it's very much about spiritual well-being. Taking the time to cook foods that aligns with my ancestral blueprint and my genetic predispositions, is like cooking a life elixir for myself (and sometimes the birth- and soul family get a potion too).

Food, just as breathing, will affect everything we feel, think, say and do. And so I want to keep inducing myself with harmony, focus and zen, a zest for life and the KETO-licious cognitive sharpness. And above all, I want to keep having access to feeling.

Real food is key for the ability to tune with the whole spectrum of human feelings. To be emotionally available, and present. It's the foundational necessity for never being shut off or numb, for instead embracing life and one's inner universe with all its darkness, light and humanness. Food is key to create, to love, to improve. To sometimes make mistakes, but to always strive to do better. To take action on matters of the heart that need to be seen, heard, felt and propelled forward. My food-as-medicine-meals fuels my brain, keeps it charged-up and happy, experiencing life in technicolour, meaning I'm in tune. And above all, eating well makes it possible for me to have access to my truest self. To drink from my well of spiritual well-being. When properly nourishing myself, my flow is constant. It keeps me connected with my head, my heart, and my productivity.

And I will keep writing on the topics of holistic well-being, ancestral healing and connection up until my very last breath. After all, positive obsession is a gift. With love, Hanna

Meat, eggs and heart-healthy fats are always present in casa KETO-licious. It's delicious and it's medicine for us humans. Since the beginning of time.


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